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New Bench

New Bench

The Rutgers Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society installed a new bench in the heart of the EcoPreserve near the “falls” on Buell Brook.  The metal stanchion was purchased by the club and the black locust lumber donated by the Kontos family.  So the next time you are out in the EcoPreserve stop for a rest and take in the wonderful view and soundscape.

May-apples are blooming again in the EcoPreserve.  These are the first may-apple blooms I’ve seen in my 9 years as director.  The deer management program has helped lower the browsing pressure, allowing these and other wildflowers to rebound.



May 8, 2018. Local emergency services were called out to put out a small brushfire smoldering off the Red Trail. Please be careful with matches and cigarette butts.