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Near Miss!

Near Miss!

Brothers from Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, also known as FIJI, raised the funds to purchase seven white dogwood trees to plant in the EcoPreserve.  A number of fraternity members came out in late August to plant and fence the sapling trees (to protect against deer browsing). A week later Hurricane Ida came through and dropped this large red oak (in left of photo above). Luckily it missed the dogwood sapling.  Hopefully the dogwoods will continue to survive and grace the…

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Hurricane Ida slams the EcoPreserve

Hurricane Ida slams the EcoPreserve

Please use caution while visiting the EcoPreserve!! A bridge on the Red Trail got picked and pushed off its footing and should not be used.  The bridge on the Green Trail has also shifted. Walk your bike across the bridge.  We hope to fix the bridges later next week when we can return to campus. Update: the Red and Green Trails bridges have been stabilized but still need additional repairs. They have been flagged with orange tape. Use caution and…

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COVID Visitation Bump

COVID Visitation Bump

We compared trail entrance numbers recorded at several trailheads from fall 2019 (Pre-COVID) vs. 2020 (Post-COVID) and found a 25+% increase in 2020 (i.e., during COVID).  These statistics are especially interesting in that the increase in usage occurred without having students resident on campus.  Throughout New Jersey, our parks and preserves received record attendance as people sought the outdoors.  

The Tickbot comes to the EcoPreserve

The Tickbot comes to the EcoPreserve

Dr. Dina Fonseca, Director of the RU Center for Vector Biology, has been surveying the tick population in the EcoPreserve for several years. Surveying here has demonstrated that sections of the EcoPreserve hold a large population of Asian long-horned, lone star and black-legged  ticks, both larval stages and adults. So remember to always take precautions about ticks whenever visiting the EcoPreserve or any nature reserve in NJ.  To learn more This past week, Dr Holly Gaff of Old Dominion…

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