2017 Trail Usage Counts for Kiosk Entrance
The 2017 trail counter data for the Kontos Kiosk entrance to the EcoPreserve (near the Avenue E Roundabout, across from the RU Business School) documents the high use of the EcoPreserve. Taking just the Outbound (Exiting the Preserve) data nearly 6300 pedestrians and bikers were recorded. The peak months were April and October, each with over 900 folks counted. Comparing these data to the Green Trail (see prior post), this trailhead receives a lot more use during the summer with a monthly average of over 450 users.
There is a bit of a mystery in the data. The Inbound (Entering the Preserve) shows much higher numbers in the month of July 2017. Two days in particular each had counts of over 445. These high numbers weren’t matched by correspondingly high exit numbers. Where did the people go? Did they exit out through a different trailhead? are they still wandering around out there? Was this just some weird anomaly in the data? Like I said a mystery.