The Tickbot comes to the EcoPreserve

Dr. Dina Fonseca, Director of the RU Center for Vector Biology, has been surveying the tick population in the EcoPreserve for several years. Surveying here has demonstrated that sections of the EcoPreserve hold a large population of Asian long-horned, lone star and black-legged ticks, both larval stages and adults. So remember to always take precautions about ticks whenever visiting the EcoPreserve or any nature reserve in NJ. To learn more
This past week, Dr Holly Gaff of Old Dominion University, VA brought her experimental Tickbot up for a trial run. The Tickbot is designed to treat a section of trail with permethrin, a tick repellant. The data on the effectiveness of the Tickbot is still being collected.
To see the Tickbot in action and learn more about ticks, check out this video
To learn more about permethrin