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Late winter snowfall slows up Spring

Late winter snowfall slows up Spring

 Buell Brook traversing a snow-covered landscape February’s warm temperatures jump-started Spring in the EcoPreserve but a mid-March snowfall slowed it down again. The 8 inches of snow provided wonderful cross-country skiing opportunities for a few days till Spring reasserted itself.

Alpha Phi Omega RUEP Clean-Up

Alpha Phi Omega RUEP Clean-Up

The sisters of the Alpha Phi Omega sorority held a trash pick-up on Sunday February 26, 2017. It was a cool, blustery day but 25+ women converged on the EcoPreserve to scour the trails and borders for litter. They collected quite a haul of trash. The question I have is why do people leave so much litter?    

2016/2017 Deer Management Program!

2016/2017 Deer Management Program!

The annual Deer Management program in the EcoPreserve is upon us! The Bow Hunting season for deer management starts December 17, 2016 through February 19,2017. For more information on the Deer Management Program, such as why or how we are conducting this program: Please Click Here